Sunday, October 3, 2010

So Far

First Day of School: Children come on September 15th to bring flowers for their teacher and get their books. The older students also put on a program and sing for the new incoming Kindergardeners. It's a sweet day. Just look at these precious faces.

It's been a busy month. School started and though it's been fun, it has also been challenging. But the thing is, it's not much different than at home. Students are always trying to push the boundaries, show off for each other and get away with doing as little as possible. It's now up to me to figure out how to keep their attention while making sure they learn something. All while trying to keep myself motivated and improve my Bulgarian.

No wonder I got sick.

The weather is changing. It's chilly in the mornings and by lunch, the sun can be almost hot. As I traveled this weekend, I saw trees beginning to change. I can't wait to watch summer turn into fall into winter.

These pretty pears were enjoying the sun in friend's kitchen.

I also ran a 5k in Koynare, Bulgaria. The volunteers there asked for Volunteer participants. The race has been happening for many years. It was fun to be a part of it. We added a more relaxed, less "race" feel to the day. I think everyone enjoyed watching us run. We posed for pictures after. What a fun thing to say I did. It was also a good opportunity to get myself back into a running mindset. Now that the weather is cooler I am excited to run more. I've done a little, and the local Babas like to watch. Sometimes I get a "bravo" as I run by. It's cute.

So lastly, on a more pensive note, I've been wondering why I'm here. I am trying to be in every moment, but it's hard. I often project ahead to what will be happening, or what I want to be happening. I read other's blogs and think that I'm not doing enough. But then, what is too little, enough or too much. I try daily to use more Bulgarian, to say "Hello" to at least one more person than I did yesterday, and to plan a productive lesson for my students. Is that enough?

Enough for this post.

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