Monday, July 5, 2010

Almost 2 Months Gone

Last week was Roma Culture day in Vratsa. We went to the Hub center where we were able to listen to a panel discuss Roma culture in Bulgarian. I don't know what to say except that it is a relationship that is long and emotional. But looking at these photos and watching them perform I saw joy and a freedom that made me smile.

It was also the beginning of Summer School in our town. We have the students for an hour everyday. We mix teaching English with games and hope to give the students an idea of what different techniques can be used in the classroom. Something a little
different than what they are used to in Bulgaria.

Here is my class mixed with Kate's to play a word game, my Boyz, and my 5/6th grade class.

I know that I haven't been able to post so many pictures so here are some:

Kids' Day in our town. They had a butter "Puffy" eating contest and the winner got.................. More Puffy's!

Lastly, this is a group of children in our town who wanted to furt
her their experiences. They got together to form a group, THE SUN, and they meet without an adult, govern themselves, and put on performances for the town. They write their own plays, play music, study art and in these pictures put together a small museum of the town's history. ENJOY!!!!

Oh yeah, and here's my baba and her singing group. She's the one in the middle with the brown coat.


  1. Great pictures. I hope it feels good to be back with kids again. Baba looks like she is enjoying herself--can you hum along? Soo the question is--do you like Puffy's?

    Love you. C

  2. That is awesome. It is so exciting to see your pictures. Will write soon - much love Stacy

  3. We miss you Kristen.Looks like your in a middle of life changing experience.

