Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Almost Spring!

That means my birthday week. :)

I'm 37! Lookin' good, right?

Megan and Evan at a cute little hostel in Sofia. It's owned and run by an old man who loves PC volunteers.

A small portion of my Baba Marta bracelets. Love them!

This is an email that I sent to my parents and I realized it made a good blog. Enjoy!

Hey parents!
I got your note and realized I haven't written or blogged for awhile. So I'll give you a small rundown of the goings on here in Bulgaria.

Winter came and it was not as cold as people said it would be. Maybe it's because I'm from MN, but it never got below zero. But that's not to say I wasn't cold. It's a different cold. My apartment is cold, I walk ALOT outside and it's cold, my school is cold.... so you get the picture.
Now it's getting warmer. There's more sun too. It's nice to wake up and have some light to see the icy roads by. And it's nice to know that my walk home will be lighter longer too. I've started to see livestock out of doors too. Donkey carts are more frequent and I've seen small herds of goats and cows out once in awhile. Can't wait till my 2 donkeys who live on my corner come back. I miss the annoyed donkey who's braying sounds like whining. I am also excited to open my doors and use my living room again, to be able to wash more laundry at a time and hang it outside to dry. There's nothing like the smell of fresh laundry dried outside (unless it's plastic burning day). I am also ready to take off my socks. I wear knee highs and another pair of wool socks daily, and my feet are itching to be free (maybe the itching is the dry skin, who knows?). Also I want to show off my guns (my arms). Doing laundry by hand for 7 months and wringing out pants, jeans and the like have done wonders for the shape of my arms. I might even wear a tank top this summer.

My students are struggling, but we are going to succeed! We are all tired, cold and frustrated. They don't want to work and neither do I. I think when the sun shines and the weather turns warmer, we will all learn more. We have more volunteers coming in about a month. Popitsa will have 5 volunteers. My baba will have another girl too. I'm a little worried, because it was so hard for me, I'm afraid how another person will get on with her. I guess it's good that I am so close. I can come over if there is an emergency. But for the most part, I will stay away. This new girl will have to struggle through just like I did. It made me a better volunteer and forced me to sit and be quiet. To be able to be in a an uncomfortable situation for long periods of time and know that it will be alright. The village I teach in will get more volunteers too. I am excited because they will be helping me with my classes. I'm already planning and for the things we can do in small groups.

What else? My birthday! What a birthday week! It started with Baba Marta day. A day to celebrate spring and where people give red and white bracelets and pins to everyone. So I started my birthday week getting around 50 bracelets. But I spent the week before making 125 bracelets for all the students I teach. I also crocheted red and white flowers and attached them to pins for the teachers and co-workers at my school. Lots of work, but totally worth it.
Then on Wednesday, I went to Sofia where there was party for Peace Corps to celebrate 50 years of service and 20 years in Bulgaria. Lots of big wigs spoke, including the ambassador to Bulgaria. We felt important. Then I spent the weekend there in Sofia eating our way through foods we hadn't eaten in awhile. We had McDonald's, Chinese, Burger King, and Russian food. I had the most delicious beef stroganoff. Man! And of course Russian vodka. Which led to dancing.....

Today my co-workers gave me a birthday present... a pretty silver necklace, a shirt (that actually fits) and some perfume. I am so lucky to work where I do. The people there are so warm hearted and generous. I told them that I was so lucky to have them. I think I embarrassed them, but they give me so much and I always get overwhelmed and a little teary-eyed. They make this experience here.

Tomorrow is Women's Day. It's also considered Mother's Day. Kids are making cards and buying flowers along with all the men here. It's nice that they are appreciated. They work so hard in a place where men dominate. But we know who keeps the families fed, loved and life rolling along here. I am honored to be a part of it.

So on that note, Happy Mother's Day mom! Love you!


1 comment:

  1. Damn Lady! You are looking super hot!

    Miss you muchly!
    Glad you had a happy birthday.

