I still need to pinch myself sometimes because I can't believe I actually packed up my life and moved half way around the world. Some call it courageous, and most days I do too. I've tried to carry that courage over to here and to live my life courageously too. It's been difficult. I find myself in situations where I need to remind myself to be in the moment and think about what I want the outcome to be.
So, now it's been a month since I started this post. A month of reflection, a month of changes, a month closer to the end. 13 months left in a country I knew nothing about. And still sometimes can't comprehend.
I'm having a hard time these days with my feelings. As those of you who know me, know, I am a feeler, a giver, a whole self immerser. But here, I've found it hard to balance things out. I want to give, to help everyone all the time. Yet I know that in 1 year I will be gone. And leaving always hurts. So I only let myself go so far. Because how do I invest myself completely knowing an end date is in site? Especially now when I'm looking forward to the next thing, instead of staying here (literally and figuratively).
And now it's been yet another month since starting this post. Not only have I been in Bulgaria for a year, but I've successfully completed 1 year of Peace Corps Service. Our B26 group finished our MSC (mid service conference) where we had the opportunity to reflect on our year of service, reconnect with friends/ PCV's whom we haven't seen in months, and to recharge for the year ahead. It was a great time.
And I am going to end this here. I'll post a new entry where I'll post pictures of MSC and most recently, the Spelling Bee Camp.
Here's to one more year! Cheers!